Monday, May 4, 2009

Learn from Aware saga: DPM

'WELL, I think all sides should take away the right lessons from this and focus on wanting to serve the community and do your best.

I think there will always be differences in society; it is a question of whether we can deal with them in a sensible way, learn how to accept one another's differences and still work together for the good of this society. There are people in our society with different views and if ... we push them too hard, there will be a push back from the other side. You are not going to resolve some of these differences because they are strongly held and you risk polarising society if you push too hard.

I think if you believe that what you are doing is right, well, live a good life, do good work and persuade people by how you work and live rather than pushing your ideas in a much more pushy way. I think there are ways where we can engage with society and still live with our differences.'

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